How To Treat Nausea During Pregnancy

Morning sickness is seen as one of the initial symptoms of pregnancy. Around eighty percent of women go through this discomfort in their pregnancy. In some women, it lasts throughout the day. The signs of morning sickness begin around 6th week of pregnancy and later disappears around 12thweek of pregnancy. Women who undergo this unpleasant period often feels nauseous, tired and may vomit also.

pregnancy hangover

Morning sickness is rarely serious and can be managed via dietary measures, muscle relaxation, adequate rest and acupressure. In most of the cases, with these ways, the problem goes away without any medical attention This article informs you about morning sickness, its causes and ways to treat it naturally.

What is the medical reason behind morning sickness?

Experiencing nausea at the time of pregnancy is due to an increase in the levels of estrogen, reduced counts of blood sugar, and also a higher susceptibility to certain smells in women. Health experts suggest that nausea or morning sickness can be an evolutionary adaptation. It safeguards pregnant women and the fetus from getting affected by food poisoning. It works in the following way:
If a woman suffers from morning sickness doesn’t feel like consuming foods, that may be possibly contaminated, such as eggs, meat, or poultry, and chooses to consume foods that have a low risk of contamination such as rice, crackers, and bread, then the possibilities of survival of her and her baby gets increased. In general, morning sickness indicates a healthy pregnancy.

Ways to deal with morning sickness

morning sickness remedies

Get a lot of rest: Rest is a very important way to cure nausea. You can try using blackout curtain, comfort pregnancy support pillows or any other assistance that can get you a good night sleep. Avoid taking sleeping pills. Also, it is not advised to go to bed just after your meal as it can worsen existing symptoms of nausea.

Eat Ginger: Ginger, an ancient therapeutic herb is known to be an effective and safe treatment for your nausea. Compounds present in ginger works as an anti-nausea medication. Consuming 0.5 grams to 1.5 grams of a dried form of ginger daily can assist you in relieving from the discomforts caused due to nausea.

Peppermint Aromatherapy: Peppermint aromatherapy is another safe and helpful way to reduce nausea. Pregnant women who were exposed to peppermint smell showed a reduction in the level of nausea by 57%. You can use a peppermint inhaler, smell peppermint oil, consume a peppermint pill or drink peppermint tea to experience anti-nausea effects of peppermint.

Try Acupressure or Acupuncture: Acupressure and Acupuncture are another important technique seen to be highly effective for the treatment of vomiting and nausea. Both these techniques stimulate the same nerve fibers in the body that are responsible for transmitting signals to the spinal cord and brain. These signals have the potential to decrease the intensity of nausea.

Consume Lemon: Lemon, rich in Vitamin C and minerals is a great remedy for curing nausea, especially in pregnant women. You can consume the juice of a freshly sliced lemon or inhale lemon essential oil to get its benefits.

Regulate your breathing: The way you breathe can also help you reduce the level of nausea. Health experts suggest taking a deep and slow breath through nose for three seconds, followed by holding and exhaling the breath for three seconds. Use of peppermint and lemon essential oils for inhalation can increase the benefits manifold.

Use specific spices: Including fennel powder, cumin extract, and cinnamon, in your diet will assist in relieving nausea in pregnant women.

Dietary and lifestyle recommendations

Diet also plays a significant role when it comes to treating nausea. Some of the important changes that you need to make in your diet and lifestyle are as follows:

  • Avoid fatty and spicy foods.
  • Replace your fat and carb-rich diet by a protein-rich meal.
  • Avoid eating large portions of meals at once. Choose smaller portions on a more frequent basis.
  • Don’t sleep right after your meal as it can cause gastric reflux and aggravate the symptoms of nausea. One should lie down after a minimum of half an hour post consuming their meal.
  • It is advised not to drink with meals as it can give you a feeling of fullness, that may deteriorate nausea in pregnant women.
  • Stay hydrated with fluids rich in an electrolyte such as mineral water, a sports drink or vegetable broth.
  • Avoid exposure to strong smells
  • Avoid iron supplements during the initial three months of pregnancy.
  • Engage in yoga and aerobic exercise that would be beneficial in lowering nausea in pregnant women.


Morning sickness or nausea can make one feel terrible. It can seriously impact the quality of life of a pregnant woman and can disrupt her daily activities. Bringing a few dietary changes and taking a good amount of rest is key to treat this discomforting condition. All the above natural tips will reduce nausea without any medications. If the condition persists, then it is recommended to obtain additional advice from an expert healthcare practitioner.