vaginal pain in pregnancy

Vaginal Pain During Pregnancy: Causes And Ways To Get Relief

What Causes Vaginal Pain During Pregnancy And Ways To Get Relief From It

Vaginal pain is commonly seen in pregnant women. Most of the first-time mothers tend to get anxious while experiencing this pain during pregnancy. Vaginal pain is not a serious complication in most of the cases. In this post, we will learn about why a pregnant woman experiences this pain and how can she get relief from it.

Reasons to experience Vaginal Pain during Pregnancy

If you have pelvic or vaginal pain during pregnancy, then the following reasons could be responsible for it. In most of the cases, this pain happens as the body is adapting itself to accommodate new changes.

Fetal pressure: The growth of fetus lays pressure on the entire pelvic region that results in stretching of the muscles and ligaments. This leads to a sharp pain that can last for a few minutes or sometimes even longer. A person starts to experience this pain during the 2nd trimester when the fetus gets pressed against the muscles in the pelvic area and again in the 3rd trimester when the fetus moves lower.

Increased blood flow: Another reason for a pregnant woman to experience vaginal pain could be due to an increased blow circulation towards the uterus. This can result in pain in the vaginal region and making the area swollen and tender.

Cervix dilation: If the pain is excruciating as seen in the later stages of pregnancy, then this can happen due to the enlargement of the opening of the cervix. It remains dilated for a few weeks before labor, that can result in causing pain with bleeding.

Infections: Vaginal pain can also be caused due to any fungal infection in the vaginal region. Sometimes, these infections cause pain with other signs such as nausea, vaginal discharge backache, or diarrhea. A common fungal infection in pregnant women is Candidiasis.

Ectopic pregnancy: Vaginal pain is a common indication of ectopic pregnancy that is hard to diagnose. The other sings of this pregnancy include sore breasts, bleeding, lower back pain, low blood pressure, and dizziness.

Other reasons: Vaginal pain could even be due to constipation, stress or sexual intercourse.

Types Of Vaginal Pain

A vaginal pain that gives a cramp-like sensation along with bleeding can be an indication of a miscarriage. So, it is very important to identify the type of pain you feel in your vagina. The right identification of the kind of pain will help your doctor to better understand whether it is common or critical. The right and early diagnosis will help with better pain management.

Following are the types of vaginal pains:

  • Stabbing pain: The is a prickling sensation that is common in pregnant women. If this pain is accompanied by bleeding, then one must see a doctor.
  • Nagging pain: This type of pain is experienced by pregnant as well as non-pregnant women. If you find this pain gradually increasing or accompanied by contractions, then it is advised to discuss with the doctor.
  • Cutting pain: A minor cutting pain can occur due to the expansion of the uterus. If this pain becomes severe in the later pregnancy stages, then one of the reasons could be a detachment of the placenta.

How to get relief from vaginal pain during pregnancy?

In most of the cases, vaginal pain subsides with simple exercises and measures. Here we have mentioned a few methods to get relief:

  • Lie down on the left as it enhances blood circulation and lowers vaginal pressure.
  • When sitting, keep both the feet in an elevated state. This will provide relief from the pain to some extent.
  • Take warm water baths as it will soothe and relax muscles in the body.
  • Lie down with your hips elevated.
  • A pelvic massage by a skilled masseuse can greatly reduce pain sensation.
  • Perform simple exercises like swimming and yoga after getting permission from your doctor. These moves will strengthen muscles, and enhance blood circulation, thereby reducing the pain.
  • Perform pelvic exercises like pelvic tilts and rolls.
  • Wear support belts that assist your belly, pelvis, hips and lower back region.
  • Avoid performing any jerky movements and consuming pain relief medications without your doctor’s approval.

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Vaginal pain during pregnancy is one of the signs of woman experiences while she gets pregnant. It shouldn’t be the cause for concern. It is an indication that the uterus is growing as expected and the body is producing the right level of hormones.

Vaginal pain is unlikely to be a severe issue, but assurance can make your pregnancy easier. It is important to perform periodic prenatal checkups and keep communicating about your health issues and bodily changes to your doctor however minor it seems. This will help in detecting any malfunction in the body and treating it quickly.