foods to increase breast milk

No Breast Milk After Delivery – What To Do?

Breastfeeding forms a special bond between the baby and the mother. It is the dream of every expecting mother to hold her baby in the arms and feed to fulfill their basic needs. This expectation can turn into worry, when you notice that you are not getting milk supply after delivery.

To many breastfeeding women, delayed milk production is quite a disheartening experience. In this article, we will tell you about the causes of not getting breast milk after delivery and how you can solve this issue.

How normal is it to not being able to produce milk after delivery?

A new born baby only needs breast milk to stay healthy and nourished. Inadequate supply of milk from your breasts can cause you anxiety that you are not able to meet the nutritional demands of your baby. You may be feeling guilty of not being able to properly fed your baby. Though it is a rare occurrence, you need to know what needs to be done in such a case.

Firstly, there can be numerous reasons behind it. Do not blame yourself. Secondly, there are self-help and medical treatment procedures that can help in boosting your milk production potential. These techniques work by stimulating your breasts so that maximum amount of milk comes out of it.

What are the reasons for no production of breast milk after delivery?

You may be holding yourself accountable for not being able to provide nourishment to your baby. Be gentle to yourself and understand that it can happen due to a lot many reasons. By prompt identification of the cause, and taking measures, you can start getting good milk supply from the next week.

  • Medical condition like polycystic ovary syndrome, or diabetes or gestational diabetes. PCOS is produced due to high amounts of testosterone in the body. This can lead to suppression of the secretion of breast milk. This implies inadequate breast milk after birth.
  • Obesity
  • An infection
  • Illness like fever
  • A cesarean delivery
  • An extended bed rest
  • A thyroid disorder. The thyroid gland produces two vital hormones, as triiodothyronine (T3), and thyroxine (T4) that regulates breastfeeding. An overactive thyroid gland can disturb breast-milk supply and result in either excess production, less or no production, or changes in the amount of milk production.
  • A traumatic birth
  • A postpartum hemorrhage
  • Hypopituitarism, pituitary gland disorder that can lead to delayed, or no breast milk production. This gland is accountable for producing prolactin, and oxytocin hormone. An under active gland, makes the milk supply non-existent, and late. Tumors, blood loss, and strokes, at the time of childbirth can lead to inefficient performance of the gland.
  • Use of specific medicines: There are certain medications like birth control medications and herbs such as mint, spearmint, parsley, sage etc. that can impact production of breast milk.
  • Obesity or overweight can delay the commencement of milk production. It can also lead to hyperthyroidism, or diabetes that can cause fluctuations in breast-milk production.
  • Breast augmentation or reduction surgery, a lumpectomy, biopsy, or mastectomy can lead to interference with the breast milk production.
  • Age: Breast feeding mothers who are thirty-five or more in age can observed delayed milk production.

How to solve the issue?

Here are a few measures that have been found effective in increasing the supply of breast milk in the body.

  • Breast stimulation on a frequent basis helps in getting out as much colostrum, and milk from the breasts. Consistently massage your breasts using a hospital grade breast pump (with extra suction potential) or with your hands to create milk receptor sites that encourages greater production of milk from the breasts.
  • Getting assistance of specialized professional or a lactation specialist straight away if you notice a reduction in the speed of healthy milk supply.
  • Take out milk frequently via breastfeed, hand express, or pump, in every two to three hours.
  • Take a warm shower, or a heating pad before you express milk
  • Listen to soothing music will not just relax you but also increase the flow of milk producing hormones flowing in the body.
  • Drink plenty of lots of water
  • Get adequate sleep

Also read: Leaking Breasts During Pregnancy; Is It Normal?


Having inadequate supply of breast milk after delivery to feed your newly born can be really disappointing. Realizing the cause of this problem and taking quick measures can help in resolving this issue.

It can take some days, or even a few weeks to have the milk to be readily available to meet the demand of your baby. If the above measures do not solve the issue, then you should get assistance of your doctor or lactation specialists for the further course of action.