can i eat raspberry in pregnancy

Can I eat raspberries during pregnancy?

Berries in general are extremely beneficial for health, and raspberries in particular are some of the most potent fruits of the berry family. And you have probably been aware of this fact and included them in your diet all your life, helped along by the fact, of course, that they are positively delicious. However, now that you are pregnant, you are probably having second thoughts before reaching out for the fruit bowl; goodness only knows how many tales of caution you have heard regarding this fruit and that. But there have been tales of encouragement as well, and you are sorely confused. In this article, we will try to put your mind at rest.

Essential in pregnancy diet

The good news is, yes, you can certainly eat raspberries while you are pregnant. They are not only safe to eat, it is in fact highly recommended that you eat quite a bit of this fruit during those nine months. But do remember that like everything else, it will not do to go overboard in your enthusiasm; raspberries are sweet and contain quite a bit of sugar, and that might get dangerous if not checked. The best idea, of course, is to consult your doctor when raspberry season comes around. Another thing to keep in mind is that the raspberries, like all fruits, should be washed properly before consumption. This is to get rid of parasitic infestations on the fruits before they are eaten.

Enables healthy fetal development

Raspberries are very rich in folic acid, which is one of the most essential nutrients required by the baby to grow. An adequate supply of folic acid to the womb ensures that the baby develops a healthy spinal and neural system, effectively preventing, or at least mitigating, the chances of the baby developing problems in the neural tube and the spine, leading to birth defects such as spina bifida. That is not all; folic acid also ensures that your baby does not develop cardiovascular problems and urinary tract issues, and grows healthy limbs. It also mitigates chances of eclampsia in the mother.

Also read: Can I eat strawberries during pregnancy?

Promotes digestion

Raspberries contain a good amount of dietary fiber, water, and sugar. The water and fiber ensures that the pregnant woman has to deal much less with the digestive problems that come as part and parcel of pregnancy, since these two ingredients make the stool softer and bowel movements easier. The sugar might pose a problem, especially if you have a history of diabetes or high blood sugar, but otherwise, if consumed in moderate quantities, it will provide you with ample energy to carry on during the day and leave you feeling less tired than usual.

Increases RBC count

Raspberries are high in iron content, and are therefore essential to maintain a high hemoglobin count. Anemia is quite common during pregnancy, and can lead to dangerous consequences. A slightly low count of red blood cells can result in extreme fatigue and dizziness during pregnancy. So it is important to include ample iron in your diet during those nine months.

From a better digestion to a healthy hemoglobin count, there is a host of benefits to be reaped from eating a healthy amount of raspberries during your pregnancy. Eat them with your morning oats and yogurt, or pack them as a fruit salad to munch on now and then to meet your hunger pangs.