sip and see baby shower

Introduce Your New Bundle Of Joy With A Sip and See Baby Shower

Most likely, you are stuck indoors and may have already had to reschedule your baby shower to a new date. Most likely, this new date will be after you have already had the baby thank to the COVID 19 pandemic if this is the case. You don’t need to worry. There are plenty of baby showers that happen after the baby is born for one reason or another, so don’t worry. Not all is lost.

One of the most popular post-baby showers is called a sip and see the baby shower. This is where you can gather the same group of friends that you would have invited to the baby shower before, but this time you have one huge advantage. You can have a drink with the rest of your guests. Now you don’t have to serve alcohol. The sip part of the party means that you will have light refreshments. Hence the name sips and see. Your guests can sip whatever type of drink you decide on and see the baby at the same time.

Tips You Should Know For Throwing a Sip N See Shower

Couples Shower: Traditionally this type of shower is a coed event. So make sure you start mention on your sip and baby sip and see invitations that it is a couples event to ensure your guests are not left wondering.

Should You Have Games?: With the sip and see shower, your guests are going to be there to mingle. They would prefer to chat and hold the new baby instead of play games. So you won’t need to do much entertaining.

What Refreshments Should Be Served?: Finger foods with several different beverages are perfect for this style of party. This allows you’re friends to grab a bite to eat and the hold conversation while walking around and not be stuck in a single location such as a plated dinner.

How Old Should Your Baby Be?: Your baby should be around the two-month mark before you hold the party. This is for a couple of different reasons. Firstly, It is going to take you a little bit to get into a routine with your baby and not feel like a zombie. Secondly, if you wait for eight weeks or so, your baby will most likely already have had his or her vaccinations.

This is not the only style of party you can throw. Many couples send baby shower invitations after the baby is born; that is not a sip and see. So if you have other ideas after your baby is born, feel free to throw whatever style party fits you best.